Three New Books from New Directions in Scandinavian Studies in 2008

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The University of Washington Press series, “New Directions in Scandinavian Studies,” will publish three books this year:

Andrew Nestingen, Crime and Fantasy in Scandinavia: Film, Fiction and Social Changeexplores the changing nature of civil society in Scandinavia through the lens of popular culture.

Joan Templeton, Munch’s Ibsen: A Painter’s Visions of a Playwright, draws on a mass of printed and archival material to provide a comprehensive account of the relationship between the two great Norwegian modernists, Henrik Ibsen and Edvard Munch.

Terje I. Leiren, Selected Plays of Marcus Thrane, presents six translated plays from the Norwegian-American Theater of Norway’s nineteenth-century political radical, Marcus Thrane. Published with the Norwegian-American Historical Association.

The co-General Editors of “New Directions in Scandinavian Studies” are Christine Ingebritsen and Terje Leiren, faculty members in the Department.
