DAN 201 - Fall 2021
Second Year Danish
Meeting times: M-F. 10.30 – 11.20am
SAV. 130
Morten Bøje Stensgaard Larsen, Visiting Lecturer of Danish
Office: Raitt Hall 305S
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday 1.00 – 2.00pm
Email: mbsl@uw.edu
DAN 201 is open to UW students who have completed DAN 103 as well as to students who are 'heritage speakers' or who have an intermediate level of proficiency in the Danish language. In the Fall 2021, this Danish class will be taught by the Acting Instructor of Danish, Morten Bøje Stensgaard Larsen
WELCOME TO DANISH at UW: We offer three levels of instruction in Danish at UW (beginning, intermediate and advanced). Each autumn quarter a new sequence of Danish starts with DAN 101-102-103 (first year) and DAN 201-202-203 (second year) and DAN 310-311 (advanced). If you already speak some Danish that you either learned at home or while studying in Denmark, then you may enroll in DAN 201 (with the option to earn Credit by Examination). Please contact Professor Marianne Stecher-Hansen (marianne@uw.edu) if you have any questions about enrollment in Danish language classes at the UW.
DAN 201 Course description: Velkommen til dansk (Welcome to Danish)! DANISH 201 is the second year in a sequence of Danish language courses at UW, which offer instruction in the Danish language and also provide an introduction to Danish culture. The course is taught using the communicative language teaching mode with in-class activities and homework focusing on speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills at an intermediate level. Class will be conducted primarily in Danish. As much as possible, authentic Danish materials are used in class. The course will introduce some examples of Danish literature, cinema and pop culture as part of the language learning process. The learning goal is to achieve regular and lively interaction in the classroom in order to make the learning of the Danish language and culture enjoyable. The course strives for a learning atmosphere that challenges the students' skills in a supportive way. Emphasis is given to all language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. To succeed in this course, students are expected to participate regularly.
Student Learning Goals for DAN 201-201-203
- Listening comprehension: understand phrases and conversations about everyday situations/subjects in slow and clear speech.
- Reading comprehension: understand information from intermediate-level texts and other media; practice reading authentic texts.
- Speech: talk about themselves, family, living accommodations, and university studies using phrases and opinions; describe everyday situations and subjects with correct language.
- Communication: participate in everyday conversations with slow and clear speech; ask and answer simple questions within various subject areas.
- Writing: use language in a range of situations such as personal letters, news, films, and literary texts.
- Other: research and share knowledge of Danish culture, literature and society.
Required Textbook: Available at UW Bookstore. PULS 2 (Alfabeta Press)
This hyperlink shows a copy of the text book: https://www.alfabetaforlag.dk/serie/puls-
Online Dictionaries: Danish dictionary is available at: ordnet.dk/ddo (Den Danske Ordbog; click on “English” in the upper-right corner for English settings). Danish-English-Danish dictionary: https://da.bab.la/ordbog/engelsk-dansk/
Textbook supplements: Portions of the Puls 2 textbook have audio components available online. These files can be accessed at: ny.alfabetadigital.dk/index.php/portal/puls if you scroll to the section “Lyd til Puls 2” (Listen to Puls 2) and select the appropriate chapter.
Det Lyder Godt is a pronunciation guide to the Danish language. Any pertinent materials from this book will be provided for students. Det Lyder Godt has audio component available online at https://gammel.alfabetadigital.dk/index.php/portal/det-lyder-godt
Four episodes of Watch-at-home “Historien on Danmark”:
Are available here: https://www.dr.dk/drtv/serie/historien-om-danmark_145311
Canvas: Homework assignments, and “watch-at-home” films and other class material will be posted on Canvas. There will also be other useful information on Danish language and studying the culture.
- 20% Active and prepared class participation: Daily preparation and active participation are crucial to your progress. Coming in time, being prepared, doing activities, answering questions and speaking Danish as much as possible are all part of participation.
- 30%: Students will watch four episodes of “Historien om Danmark” on DR.dk during weekends and write a short Danish recap/reflection. Half of these grades will be based on the content and the other half on the language. I strongly encourage you to see this homework as and ongoing self-assessment for your own learning progress.
- 30% quizzes (3 quizzes = 10% each): Quizzes will be taken after each chapter in textbook.
- 20% Final project: In the last week of classes the students will be working on their final project with the help of the instructor. The final project will be evaluated on both the written and oral performance.
Grading Scale:
96-100 = 4.0 ; 94-95 = 3.9 ; 92-93 = 3.8 ; 91-90 = 3.7 ; 89 = 3.6 ; 88 = 3.5 ; 87 = 3.4 ; 86 = 3.3 ; 85 = 3.2 ; 84 = 3.1 ; 83 = 3.0 ; 82 = 2.9 ; 81 = 2.9 ; 81 = 2.8 ; 80 = 2.7 ; 79 = 2.6 ; 78 = 2.5 ; 77 = 2.4 ; and so on and so forth (0-59% = 0.0)
Diversity and equity
The Department of Scandinavian Studies builds cultural awareness and understanding through research, teaching, service and community outreach. The students in this class engage curricula and field experiences structured to foster knowledge of others and their cultures. Awareness of and respect for difference is essential to preparing students for citizenship. The Department of Scandinavian Studies views each student as an individual and supports the equal treatment of all those who enroll in this class in particular. The Scand155 is an inclusive space where all religions, ethnicities, genders, sexualities are welcomed, valued and appreciated. If you have personal requests or requirements in this regard, please come talk to me about it.
Land acknowlegdement
The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip, and Muckleshoot nations” including the Duwamish, on whose traditional lands the University of Washington-Seattle stands in violation of the Treaty of Point Elliott.
Religious Accommodation Policy: Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW’s policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Religious Accommodations Policy (https://registrar.washington.edu/staffandfaculty/religious-accommodations-policy/). Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the Religious Accommodations Request form (https://registrar.washington.edu/students/religious-accommodations-request/).
Course Schedule and Readings
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday |
1 |
Torsdag - Adam Oehlenschläger: “Der er et Yndigt Land”. Text in Canvas.
- National anthems.
Watch at home: “Historien om Danmark episode 1” Hand in Friday week 2. |
2 |
Arbejde og Uddannelse 10/4 - 10/8 Mandag: Puls: 1 - 3 Kultur & samfund: Den danske model.
Tirsdag: Puls: 4 - 6 Interviews
Onsdag: Puls: 7 - 9 Ugens digt: - Ducan Wise: “Om natten” (2019) - Text in Canvas
Torsdag: Puls: 10 - 12 Ugens sang: - Oscar Hansen: “Når jeg ser et rødt flag smælde” (1923) - First verse, text in Canvas.
Fredag: Hand-in: Episode 1 “Historien om Danmark” Fremlæggelse af kort artikel. |
3 |
Arbejde og Uddannelse 10/11 - 10/15
Mandag: Puls: 13 - 15 Kultur & Samfund: Studerende i Danmark - SU. Text in Canvas
Tirsdag: Update: Visit from Lise Kildeaard. Joint class whit the Norwegian and Swedish 201. Location Denny Hall 258
Onsdag: Puls: 16 - 18 Interviews
Torsdag: Puls: 22 - 23 Ugens sang: - TV2: “Hele verden fra forstanden" Text in Canvas
Fredag: Fremlæggelse af kort artikel. Quiz 1
Watch at home: Episode 2 af “Historien om Danmark.” Hand in friday week 5. |
4 |
Special week 10/18 - 10/22 Turist i Danmark - We look at sights and different parts of the country, learn about history and current cultural currents. We also try to plan our own holiday in Denmark. |
5 |
Indvandring og arbejde i Danmark 10/25 - 10/29 Kapitel 2 i Puls 2
Mandag: Puls: - Kultur & Samfund: Danske politiske partier. Text in Canvas
Tirsdag: Puls: 1 - 2 Interviews
Onsdag: Puls: 3 - 4 Ugens digt: - Yahya Hassan: “Krydspres” (2013; Yahya Hassan 2) Text in Canvas
Torsdag: Puls: 5 - 6 Ugens sang: - Andreas Odbjerg: “Føler mig selv 100” (2019). Text in Canvas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khx7Tk4KyQk
Fredag: Hand-in: Epiosode 2 af “Historien om Danmark.” Fremlæggelse af kort artikel. |
6 |
Indvandring og Arbejde i Danmark 11/1 - 11/4 Kapitel 2 i Puls 2
Mandag: Puls: 7 - 8 Kultur & Samfund: ABC News: How Denmark took a hard line on Immigrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A1LtmxkAYk&t=1s
Tirsdag: Puls: 9 - 10 Interviews.
Onsdag: Puls: 11 - 12 Ugens digt: - TBA
Torsdag: Puls: - Ugens sang: - TBA
Fredag: Fremlæggelse af kort artikel. Quiz 2
Watch at home: Episode 3 af ”Historien om Danmark.” Hand-in in week 8 |
7 |
Special week 11/8 - 11/12 “Danmarkskanonen. - 10 værdier for for fremtidens samfund”. We will go through the canon and discuss the values put forth and compare them to the American society. Along the way we talk about certain subject that comes to mind. |
Week 8 11/15 - 11/19 Danmarksbilleder
Kapitel 3 i Puls 2
Mandag: Pul 1-3 Kulur & Samfund: Danmark i dansk kunst - Coming in Canvas soon
Tirsdag: Puls 4 -6 InterviewS
Onsdag: Puls 8 - 10 Ugens digt: - Henrik Nordbrandt: “Danskheden er en skøn ting” (2008; Vi danskere) Text in Canvas
Torsdag: Puls 11 - 13 Ugens sang: - Ulige numre: “Frit land” (2015; Ulige numre) Text in Canvas.
Fredag: Hand-in: Episode 3 af ”Historien om Danmark.” Quiz 3 Fremlæggelse af kort artikel. |
9 |
Special week 11/22 - 11/26 11/25-26: Thanksgiving, no class Identity in Denmark. We take a look in how identities are negotiated in Denmark through pop culture songs. See/listen to the listed songs on YouTube. What is the songs about? What kind of identities is put forth? Texts in Canvas. Mandag: Tessa: Blæstegnen Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSGjsAsZllk
Tirsdag: Reveal Party: I’m a girl LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9MAMqCF87A
Onsdag: Jada: Nudes LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su4tI-xmtkI Torsdag: Thanksgiving Fredags: Thanksgiving
Watch at home: Episode 4 of Historien om Danmark – Handed in Friday week 10. |
10 |
Special week 11/27 - 12/3 Christmas traditions
Mandag: Juleaften
Tirsdag: Julemad - Spise med Price, Jul i Elk Horn
Onsdag: Julesange
Torsdag: Julekalender/ Børnenes U-landskalender
Voksen julekalender:
Fredag: Fremlæggelse af kort artikel Hand-in: Episode 4 af “Historien om Danmark”. |
11 |
Week 11 - final project 12/6 - 12/10 Final project is worked on in class, with help from instructor Using your phone, make a short video, in Danish, where you present your favorite places/things to do in Seattle. If I only had one day in Seattle, what, in your, opinion should I definitely do and see? Tasks: - Produce a small manuscript, containing the lines spoken in the video, in danish - Produce a 2 - 5 minute video - Practice comprehensive and clear pronunciation - Appear in front of the camera with clear audio.
Deadline for uploading video to Canvas: Thursday at 4pm.
Presentation in class on Friday
Finals |
No exam in the finals week |