In order to encourage graduate student progress toward the degree and to determine the status of a student's program, the Department of Scandinavian Studies requests an annual report from all continuing students. In the case of first-year graduate students, the report will, of course, only cover work done during Autumn Quarter. A copy of this report will be placed in the student's permanent file in the main office. This report should include:
- A list of courses taken with grade earned.
- Names of M.A./Ph.D. Advisory Committee members (incoming and first-year students will have a committee chair assigned on a temporary basis).
- Date of completion, or expected completion, of language requirement (list language).
- RA or TA experience, if any.
- Status of thesis/dissertation.
- Titles of article(s) published, paper(s) presented, or manuscript(s) submitted for publication.
- Scholarships, stipends or grants applied for or received.
- Courses to be taken and when these are planned.
- Date(s) for written exams - scheduled or planned. It is strongly recommended that M.A. students who also hold an Assistantship complete the requirements for the degree by the end of the second year.
- Titles of seminar papers placed in permanent file. (Three graded department seminar papers must be on file by the time the final exams are taken).
The more complete and easy to read this report is, the better the student can present his/her current status. Please submit one copy of your report to the Administrator and one copy to your Committe Chair by January 5. If you need assistance with this task, please see your committee chair. If you wish to be considered for a TA/RAship for the upcoming academic year, please attach a letter requesting the TA/RAship to your annual report.