People - Faculty

Electronic Media Producer
Office Hours: by appointment
RAI 305 Q
Associate Professor
TA Coordinator
Barbro Osher Endowed Chair of Swedish Studies / 206-543-6099
Office Hours: Thursday 11:00-12:00 or gladly by appointment (in person or on zoom)
RAI 305 N
Assistant Teaching Professor of Swedish
Office Hours: Wednesdays and Fridays 1-5 p.m.
RAI 305 X
Acting Instructor of Latvian
Office Hours: By appointment
RAI 305 W
Kazickas Family Endowed Professor in Baltic Studies; Associate Professor of Baltic Studies; Head, Baltic Studies Program / 206-616-5224
Raitt 305 R
Acting Instructor of Finnish
Office Hours: Tue 11:30–12:30 or by appointment in person or on Zoom.
RAI 305 Y

Affiliate/Adjunct Faculty

Scandinavian Studies Adjunct & Affiliate Appointments Policy

Name Title
Klaus Brandl Adjunct Professor (German)
Jay L. Bruns III Affiliate Instructor
Elise Rainer Affiliate Assistant Professor
Peter Cohan Adjunct Associate Professor (Architecture)
Ástráður Eyinsteinson Affiliate Professor
Lizette Gradén Affiliate Associate Professor
Katherine Jane Hanson Affiliate Associate Professor (Scandinavian)
Mette Hjort Affiliate Professor (Visual Studies, Lingnan University)
Alison Johnston Affiliate Associate Professor
Violeta Kelertas Affiliate Professor 
Katherine Larson Affiliate Assistant Professor
Heather MacLaughlin Garbes Affiliate Assistant Professor
Mark Mussari Affiliate Assistant Professor
Paul R. Norlen  Affiliate Assistant Professor 
Tiina Nunnally  Affiliate Instructor
Aldis Purs Affiliate Assistant Professor
Ellen Rees Affiliate Associate Professor
Sven H. Rossel Affiliate Professor (Scandinavian, Universität Wien)
Marianne Stølen Affiliate Assistant Professor
Margaret Willson Affiliate Associate Professor