Courses - Autumn 2021
Listings for future quarters are tentative and subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please consult the UW Time Schedule. For a listing of all courses potentially offered, see the Course Catalog.
Autumn 2021
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
DANISH 101 A | First Year Danish 1 | 13778 |
DANISH 201 A | Second-Year Danish | 13779 |
DANISH 310 A | Topics in Danish Short Prose | 13780 |
DANISH 490 A | Supervised Reading | 13781 |
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
ESTO 490 A | Supervised Reading | 15389 |
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
FINN 101 A | First Year Finnish 1 | 15520 |
FINN 201 A | Second-Year Finnish | 15521 |
FINN 310 A | Topics in Finnish Language and Culture | 15522 |
FINN 490 A | Supervised Reading | 15523 |
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
LATV 101 A | First Year Latvian 1 | 17271 |
LATV 111 A | Basic Latvian | 17272 |
LATV 201 A | Second-Year Latvian | 17273 |
LATV 310 A | Topics in Latvian Literature | 23206 |
LATV 490 A | Supervised Reading | 17274 |
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
LITH 101 A | First Year Lithuanian 1 | 17682 |
LITH 111 A | Basic Lithuanian | 17683 |
LITH 201 A | Second-Year Lithuanian | 17684 |
LITH 310 A | Topics in Lithuanian Literature and Culture | 23207 |
LITH 490 A | Supervised Reading | 17685 |
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
NORW 101 A | First Year Norwegian 1 | 19354 |
NORW 201 A | Second-Year Norwegian | 19355 |
NORW 490 A | Supervised Reading | 19357 |
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
SCAND 100 A | Introduction to Scandinavian Culture | 21108 |
SCAND 100 B | Introduction to Scandinavian Culture | 22991 |
SCAND 200 A | Scandinavia Today | 21109 |
SCAND 230 A | Introduction to Folklore Studies | 21110 |
SCAND 312 A | Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature | 21111 |
SCAND 360 A | Scandinavian Cinema | 21114 |
SCAND 370 A | The Vikings | 21116 |
SCAND 375 A | Vikings in Popular Culture | 22979 |
SCAND 427 A | Scandinavian Women Writers in English Translation | 23249 |
SCAND 455 A | Baltic Politics and Society Today | 21117 |
SCAND 498 A | Senior Capstone Project | 21118 |
SCAND 498 B | Senior Capstone Project | 21119 |
SCAND 499 A | Independent Study or Research | 21120 |
SCAND 500 A | Introductory Readings in Old Icelandic | 23351 |
SCAND 510 A | Archives in Scandinavian Studies | 22967 |
SCAND 518 A | Foreign Language Teaching Methodology | 21122 |
SCAND 590 A | Special Topics in Scandinavian Literature | 23234 |
SCAND 595 A | Teaching Assistant Workshop | 21123 |
SCAND 600 A | Independent Study or Research | 21124 |
SCAND 600 B | Independent Study or Research | 21125 |
SCAND 700 A | Master's Thesis | 21126 |
SCAND 700 B | Master's Thesis | 21127 |
SCAND 800 A | Doctoral Dissertation | 21128 |
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
SWED 101 A | First Year Swedish 1 | 21803 |
SWED 201 A | Second-year Swedish | 21804 |
SWED 490 A | Supervised Reading | 21805 |