
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Doxtater, Amanda Elaine. Visions and Victims Art Melodrama in the Films of Carl Th. Dreyer. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2024. Publications, Books
Olivia Noble Gunn. “Siss/Unn/ingen: The Queer Revenant in Is-slottet.” Edda, vol. 110, no. 2, 2023, pp. 90–102, Publications, Articles
Burr, S. (2023). Learning a foreign language and locality through an animated documentary film. Language Learning & Technology, 27(2), 199–225. Publications, Editions
Larson, Katherine and Marta K. Juuhl. "Norwegian double-cloth: warp-weighted loom experiments in a complicated technique." Archaeological Textiles Review, No. 64, 2022, pp. 92-109. Publications, Essays
Burr, S., Griķe, A.E., Krieviņa, K. (2022). Look at the graves!: Cemeteries as Guided Tourism Destinations in Latvia. In: Tara Thomson, Anne Schwan (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook on Digital and Public Humanities, 459-477 Publications, Books
Vol.29 (2022): Scandinavian-Canadian Studies/Études Scandinaves au Canada Vol. 29 (2022). Publications
Connors, Colin Gioia. 2022. "Translating Context with Digital Media in Medieval Icelandic Literature: Hrafnkels saga and The eSaga Project." In Culture Work: Folklore and the Humanities for a 21st Century Public, ed. Tim Frandy & Marcus Cederström, pp.302-11. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Publications, Essays
Gunn, Olivia N. “Leaving the Theatre of Suffering: Two Endings—and a Color-Conscious Future?—for Hedda Gabler.” Theatre Journal (Washington, D.C.), vol. 73, no. 2, 2021, pp. 189–207. Publications, Essays
Savage, Maxine. 2021. “A Queer and Foreign State : Iceland’s Cinematic Subjects”. Lambda Nordica 25 (3-4), 29-53. Publications
Stecher-Hansen, Marianne, ed. Nordic War Stories: World War II as History, Fiction, Media and Memory.  New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. Publications, Books
Nordic War Stories - The Second World War as Fiction, Film and History, edited by Marianne T. Stecher Publications
Stecher [Stecher-Hansen], Marianne T., "Efterskrift - Erindringsfortællinger og Essayistik," in Blixen, Karen, Skygger paa Græsset & Essays. Edited by Nicolas Reinecke-Wilkendorff. 1. Tekstkritiske og kommenterede udgave ed. Værker / Karen Blixen. Kbh.: Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab/Gyldendal, 2020, pp. 515 - 592. Publications, Books
Guntis Šmidchens, A Chain of Friendship: Reflections on the Baltic Way and Inspiration for Belarus. Foreign Policy Research Institute Baltic Bulletin, 31 August 2020.  Publications, Essays
Gunn, Olivia Noble. “Growing Up: Knausgård on Proust, Boyishness, and (Straight) Time.” Scandinavian Studies, vol. 92, no. 3, 2020, pp. 325–347. Publications, Essays
Savage, Maxine. 2020. "Ástin sem varð að taugahrúgu [The love that became a nervous wreck]: Or, What Does Queer Failure Have to Do with Translation?" PARSE Journal 11, 1-28. Publications
Gunn, Olivia Noble. Empty Nurseries, Queer Occupants: Reproduction and the Future in Ibsen's Late Plays. Routledge, 2020. Publications, Books
"The Industrial Revolution of Faroese Cinema: The Development of a National Cinema within a Transnational Industry'' Publications, Essays
Terje Leiren and Jan Sjåvik, Historical Dictionary of Norway. Second Edition.  Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019.  Publications, Books
“Någonting har hänt: Roy Anderssons filmskapande och det moderna Sverige by Daniel Brodén and Songs from the Second Floor: Contemplating the Art of Existence by Ursula Lindqvist," Scandinavian Studies, forthcoming. Publications
Harmon, Bradley. "Sju Grenar by Katarina Frostenson", Swedish Book Review, 2019, no. 1-2. Publications, Essays
Cederström, B. Marcus, Tim Frandy, and Colin Gioia Connors. 2018. "Indigenous Sustainabilities: Decolonization, Education, and Collaboration at the Ojibwe Winter Games." Journal of Sustainability Education 18(March): online. Publications, Essays
Pošeiko, S. (2018). Glocal Names in the Linguistic Landscape of the Baltic States. In: Multilingualism in the Baltic States: Social Discourses and Contact Phenomena (eds., S.Lazdiņa, H.F. Marten). Palgrave macmillan. pp. 369 - 405. Publications
Pošeiko, S. (2018). “Following footsteps of names”: Commercial Ergonymia in Linguistic Landscape of the Baltic Countries. In: Cotticelli Kurras, P., Alfredo Rizza, A. (eds., 2018). Language, Media and Economy in Virtual and Real Life. New perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 99–122. Publications
Pošeiko, S. (2018). The Linguistic Landscape as a Tool for Mastering and Improving Pragmatic Competence. In: Laiveniece, D. (ed.). Problems of and Perspectives on Language Acquisition. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 254–265.  Publications
Chowdhury, A. Elkorghli, E. (2017) Muslims, Followers of Islam, and Speakers of Arabic. In Ariza, E. (3rd edition), Not for ESOL Teachers: What every classroom teacher needs to know about the linguistically, culturally, and ethnically diverse student (263-275). Iowa: KendallHunt. Publications, Books