
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Clare, Stephanie D., and Maxine Savage. 2024. ”Trans Milieus: Sex/Gender and the Critique of ’Nature.’” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 11 (4): 572-593. Publications, Articles
Savage, Maxine. 2024. "Landscapes Envisaged: Ruth Smith's (Self)Portraiture." Periskop: Forum for Kunsthistorisk Debat 32: 58-65. Publications, Essays
Doxtater, Amanda Elaine. Visions and Victims Art Melodrama in the Films of Carl Th. Dreyer. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2024. Publications, Books
Olivia Noble Gunn. “Siss/Unn/ingen: The Queer Revenant in Is-slottet.” Edda, vol. 110, no. 2, 2023, pp. 90–102, Publications, Articles
Burr, S. (2023). Learning a foreign language and locality through an animated documentary film. Language Learning & Technology, 27(2), 199–225. Publications, Editions
Larson, Katherine and Marta K. Juuhl. "Norwegian double-cloth: warp-weighted loom experiments in a complicated technique." Archaeological Textiles Review, No. 64, 2022, pp. 92-109. Publications, Essays
Burr, S., Griķe, A.E., Krieviņa, K. (2022). Look at the graves!: Cemeteries as Guided Tourism Destinations in Latvia. In: Tara Thomson, Anne Schwan (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook on Digital and Public Humanities, 459-477 Publications, Books
Vol.29 (2022): Scandinavian-Canadian Studies/Études Scandinaves au Canada Vol. 29 (2022). Publications
Connors, Colin Gioia. 2022. "Translating Context with Digital Media in Medieval Icelandic Literature: Hrafnkels saga and The eSaga Project." In Culture Work: Folklore and the Humanities for a 21st Century Public, ed. Tim Frandy & Marcus Cederström, pp.302-11. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Publications, Essays
Gunn, Olivia N. “Leaving the Theatre of Suffering: Two Endings—and a Color-Conscious Future?—for Hedda Gabler.” Theatre Journal (Washington, D.C.), vol. 73, no. 2, 2021, pp. 189–207. Publications, Essays
Savage, Maxine. 2021. “A Queer and Foreign State : Iceland’s Cinematic Subjects”. Lambda Nordica 25 (3-4), 29-53. Publications
Stecher-Hansen, Marianne, ed. Nordic War Stories: World War II as History, Fiction, Media and Memory.  New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. Publications, Books
Nordic War Stories - The Second World War as Fiction, Film and History, edited by Marianne T. Stecher Publications
Stecher [Stecher-Hansen], Marianne T., "Efterskrift - Erindringsfortællinger og Essayistik," in Blixen, Karen, Skygger paa Græsset & Essays. Edited by Nicolas Reinecke-Wilkendorff. 1. Tekstkritiske og kommenterede udgave ed. Værker / Karen Blixen. Kbh.: Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab/Gyldendal, 2020, pp. 515 - 592. Publications, Books
Guntis Šmidchens, A Chain of Friendship: Reflections on the Baltic Way and Inspiration for Belarus. Foreign Policy Research Institute Baltic Bulletin, 31 August 2020.  Publications, Essays
Gunn, Olivia Noble. “Growing Up: Knausgård on Proust, Boyishness, and (Straight) Time.” Scandinavian Studies, vol. 92, no. 3, 2020, pp. 325–347. Publications, Essays
Savage, Maxine. 2020. "Ástin sem varð að taugahrúgu [The love that became a nervous wreck]: Or, What Does Queer Failure Have to Do with Translation?" PARSE Journal 11, 1-28. Publications
Gunn, Olivia Noble. Empty Nurseries, Queer Occupants: Reproduction and the Future in Ibsen's Late Plays. Routledge, 2020. Publications, Books
"The Industrial Revolution of Faroese Cinema: The Development of a National Cinema within a Transnational Industry'' Publications, Essays
Terje Leiren and Jan Sjåvik, Historical Dictionary of Norway. Second Edition.  Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019.  Publications, Books
“Någonting har hänt: Roy Anderssons filmskapande och det moderna Sverige by Daniel Brodén and Songs from the Second Floor: Contemplating the Art of Existence by Ursula Lindqvist," Scandinavian Studies, forthcoming. Publications
Harmon, Bradley. "Sju Grenar by Katarina Frostenson", Swedish Book Review, 2019, no. 1-2. Publications, Essays
Cederström, B. Marcus, Tim Frandy, and Colin Gioia Connors. 2018. "Indigenous Sustainabilities: Decolonization, Education, and Collaboration at the Ojibwe Winter Games." Journal of Sustainability Education 18(March): online. Publications, Essays
Pošeiko, S. (2018). Glocal Names in the Linguistic Landscape of the Baltic States. In: Multilingualism in the Baltic States: Social Discourses and Contact Phenomena (eds., S.Lazdiņa, H.F. Marten). Palgrave macmillan. pp. 369 - 405. Publications
Pošeiko, S. (2018). “Following footsteps of names”: Commercial Ergonymia in Linguistic Landscape of the Baltic Countries. In: Cotticelli Kurras, P., Alfredo Rizza, A. (eds., 2018). Language, Media and Economy in Virtual and Real Life. New perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 99–122. Publications