LATV 201 A: Second-Year Latvian

Autumn 2021
MTWThF 9:30am - 10:20am / MGH 253
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

Labdien, studenti! Priecājos jūs šeit redzēt! :)  Lasiet informāciju par kursu!

The course Latvian 201 is the first part of three-quarter long language learning program to achieve B1 language level in Latvian.

A1+/A2 language level in Latvian is necessary to take the course.

The course deepens a systematic overview of the basic linguistic characteristics of Latvian. The course uses a series of thematically arranged, structurally graduated readings, conversation topics, individual and group assignments to enable you to acquire a facility with written and spoken Latvian. 

English-language explanations of grammatical structures are not avoided. Language learning in the course is closely tied to learning about Latvian culture and to your own personal experiences. Authentic learning materials and real-world situations will be used whenever possible.

Teaching and learning take place in an atmosphere of mutual respect among students and between the instructor and students. I strive to accommodate and assist students with different cognitive abilities and learning styles.


At the ending of this course, you will be able to:

  • recognize, understand, and explain in simple way words and phrases related to the course themes (modules)
  • participate in basic conversations on the course themes (modules), e.g., free time, sport, education, culture and history of Riga, and politics
  • comprehend short popular-scientific and informative texts in written form, highlight, structure, and describe the most important information in them
  • listen to interviews, thematical broadcasts, and debates, answer text-related questions, and recount the main information learnt
  • write short texts (e.g., comments, reviews, letters, essays) with your own and others’ thoughts and arguments on topics related to the course themes (modules)
  • reflect on language learning process and strategies
  • characterize the main linguistic features of nouns, adjectives, and verbs
  • match prepositions with nouns/pronouns/numerals in grammatical gender, number, and case
  • match adjectives and ordinal numerals with the definite ending with nouns in grammatical gender, number, and case
  • identify and conjugate reflexive verbs
  • use appropriately such verbs forms as simple present, past and future, present perfect, and some participle forms
  • create and use appropriately verb moods (imperative, subjunctive, debitive)
  • distinguish the use of active verb forms from the use of passive verb forms
  • use appropriately certain types of subordinate clauses (e.g., with lai, jo, ka, kad, ja)

The course is organized into four modules, or themes:

  1. Veselīgs un sabalansēts dzīvesveids
  2. Izglītība un darbs, profesionālā izaugsme
  3. Rīga un rīdzinieki
  4. Politika un demokrātija

All classes will take place in-person


  1. The main textbook is Latviešu valoda studentiem written by Klēvere-Velhi and Nau in 2012.
  2. The reading book is Latviešu valoda studentiem: Lasīšanas un tekstu uzdevumu krājums II written by Sarma and Ābola in 2018.
  3. Online learning material E-laipa A2 and B1:

During the course your Latvian learning consists of:

  • participation, or active learning work
  • homework
  • self-directed independent work
  • four tests
  • final exam.

Graded units

Participation                                20%

Homework                                   30%

Four tests                                    20%

Final exam                                   30%

Grading scale

97-100%=4.0; 94-96%=3.9; 91-93%=3.8; 90%=3.7; 89%=3.6; 88%=3.5; 87%=3.4; 86%=3.3; 85%=3.2; 84%=3.1; 83%=3.0; 82%=2.9; 81%=2.9; 81%=2.8; 80%=2.7; 79%=2.6; 78%=2.5; 77%=2.4; 76%=2.3; 75%=2.2; 74%=2.1; 73%=2.0; 72%=1.9; 71%=1.8; 70%=1.7; 0-60%=0.0

N.B. The full syllabus in PDF format is uploaded in the section "Modules" of the course Canvas page 



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Catalog Description:
Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Functional review of grammar. First in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between LATV 201; LATV 202; LATV 203; and LATV 250. Prerequisite: either LATV 103 or LATV 150.
GE Requirements Met:
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated:
March 11, 2025 - 8:48 pm