DANISH 202 A: Second-Year Danish

Winter 2022
MTWThF 10:30am - 11:20am / THO 335
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

DAN 202 - Winter 2022
Second Year Danish

Meeting times: M-F. 10.30 – 11.20am

THO. 335

Morten Bøje Stensgaard Larsen, Visiting Lecturer of Danish

Office: Raitt Hall 305S

Office hours: Monday and Wednesday 1.00 – 2.00pm

Email: mbsl@uw.edu

DAN 202 is open to UW students who have completed DAN 202 as well as to students who are 'heritage speakers' or who have an intermediate level of proficiency in the Danish language. 

WELCOME TO DANISH at UW:  We offer three levels of instruction in Danish at UW (beginning, intermediate and advanced). Each autumn quarter a new sequence of Danish starts with DAN 101-102-103  (first year) and DAN 201-202-203 (second year) and DAN 310-311 (advanced). If you already speak some Danish that you either learned at home or while studying in Denmark, then you may enroll in DAN 201 (with the option to earn Credit by Examination (Links to an external site.)).  Please contact Professor Marianne Stecher-Hansen (marianne@uw.edu) if you have any questions about enrollment in Danish language classes at the UW. 


DAN 202 Course description:  Meget mere dansk (A lot more Danish)!  DANISH 202 is the second year in a sequence of Danish language courses at UW, which offer instruction in the Danish language and also provide an introduction to Danish culture. The course is taught using the communicative language teaching mode with in-class activities and homework focusing on speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills at an intermediate level. Class will be conducted primarily in Danish

As much as possible, authentic Danish materials are used in class. The course will introduce some examples of Danish literature, cinema, music and pop culture as part of the language learning process. The learning goal is to achieve regular and lively interaction in the classroom in order to make the learning of the Danish language and culture enjoyable. The course strives for a learning atmosphere that challenges the students' skills in a supportive way. Emphasis is given to all language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. To succeed in this course, students are expected to participate regularly. 

This quarter the course will be taught remotely. 

Link to watch at home serie: https://www.dr.dk/drtv/episode/doggystyle_136398

After watching each episode, the students writes a 0.5 page recap or reflection. A vocabulary list of ten words learned during the episode must be included. 

Catalog Description:
Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Review of grammar. Introduction of modern literary texts. Discussion of culture and current events in Denmark. Second in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: DANISH 201.
GE Requirements Met:
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated:
March 10, 2025 - 6:17 pm