DANISH 311 A: Topics in Danish Literature and Culture

Winter 2022
TTh 2:30pm - 4:20pm / SIG 229
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

DAN 311 -  Winter 2022

Morten Bøje Stensgaard Larsen, Acting Instructor of Danish

Avanceret dansk: Horror og økokritik (Horror and eco-criticism)

tirsdag kl. 14.30 – 16.20

torsdag kl. 14.30 – 16.20


Undervisningslokale: SIG. 229

Morten Bøje Stensgaard Larsen, Acting Instructor of Danish

Office: Raitt Hall 305S

Office Hours: Mandage og onsdage, kl. 13 - 14

email: mbsl@uw.edu


DAN 311:   This course explores the connection between eco-criticism and horror in Danish culture through various media, including films and short prose texts. It is geared for intermediate or advanced students of Danish and the course is taught in Danish. 

Please contact Professor Marianne Stecher (marianne@uw.ed) if you have ANY questions about enrolling in DANISH courses at UW.

Talemåder: https://ordsprogogtalemaader.dk/


Catalog Description:
Selected topics in modern Danish literature and culture, such as women's literature, Danish identity and the European Union, contemporary drama and film, or children's literature.
GE Requirements Met:
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated:
March 27, 2025 - 5:39 pm