NORW 201 A: Second-Year Norwegian

Autumn 2021
MTWThF 10:30am - 11:20am / DEN 258
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

[Last ned PDF-versjonen av syllabus.]

Syllabus: NORW 201 A, Høst 2021

Andre-års norsk

Instructor: Andy Meyer
Raitt 305 T
Office Hours:
TW, 09:00 – 10:00; or by appt. (on Zoom, as needed)

Meeting Time: M – F, 10:30 – 11:20
Meeting Place:
DEN 258

Tekster / Texts
God i norsk 2. Berg, Hofset, og Klippen
   ISBN: 978-8203404641

God i norsk 2: Arbeidsbok. Berg, Hofset, og Klippen
   ISBN: 978-8203404689

Andre tekster finnes på ressurser-sida / Other texts are listed on the "ressurser" page


Kursets mål / Course Objectives

Velkommen til norsk 201 (i virkelighet!)! Welcome to Norwegian 201 (in person!)! During this three-quarter sequence, you will review, remember, and strengthen the skills, grammar, and vocabulary you developed during your first year of Norwegian. From there, you will move further into the language, practicing more complex grammar, deepening your vocabulary, polishing your pronunciation, and sharpening your ability to express yourself both in speaking and in writing, as well as your ability to read and listen to written and spoken Norwegian more readily. Ultimately, by the end of the year, you should be able to 1) read increasingly complex texts, e.g., news articles or folk tales, confidently; 2) speak with reasonable improvisation about various non-expert topics one might encounter in daily human experience; and 3) write clear, thoughtful essays in bokmål. You’ll also begin to become more comfortable navigating nynorsk and Norway’s many dialects. Getting there will require patience, repetition, persistence, a little bit of daring & discomfort, group & partner work, humility, and a healthy sense of humor.


Nettsida / Course website – Canvas

We are again in person! But our course website on Canvas will still be a hub for much of our activity. Many assignments and a host of supplementary materials will be available there. Important announcements about the course, including potential COVID-related information, will also be posted there. Note: The site language will be set to Norwegian, so you will need to familiarize yourself with the terms to help you navigate the site!


Evaluering / Evaluation

  • Essay—10%: You will write and revise one essay in Norwegian. (1.5 – 2 pages)
  • Presentations—20%: You will perform two 5 – 7 min. presentations on topics taken from the course. 
  • Tests—20%: Tests will be completed after each chapter or in order to review the material.
  • Homework / Exercises—20%: There will materials to read and prepare from the God i norsk 2textbook and workbook and/or exercises online for each class. Supplementary worksheets and activities (e.g., short writings, dictations, translations, etc.) will be handed out in class or provided via Canvas.


Forventninger / Expectations

* Vær til stede. / Be present.

Avoid unexcused absences by communicating with me in advance. Then we can make a plan to help you keep up your practice.

* Forbered deg til timen. / Prepare for class.

Arrive at each class meeting having read, annotated, and contemplated that day’s reading, and/or completed that day’s assignment. Please feel free to ask me any questions about how to read well or annotate, or about assignments—or visit me during office hours!

Late work: Unexcused late work submitted up to 48 hours after it was due will be accepted for a reduced grade. After 48 hours, it will get a zero. Again, communication is key.

* Delta. / Participate.

Participation is absolutely the key to learning a new language. Along with it comes a whole lot of failure (some of it seems embarrassing at first, but it is a fundamental part of learning; I have some great stories of my own failures if you need inspiration). Alongside of assigned oral presentations, you will be expected to take daily risks and try to use your voice in Norwegian among your peers in class.

* Les og snakk norsk hver eneste dag. / Read and Speak Norwegian every single day.

To get the most out of a college language class, it’s important to find a way to expose yourself to Norwegian every single day outside of class, even if it’s just 10 minutes. Often, there will be formalized assignments that ensure this, but when there are not, it is your responsibility to find ways to practice (e.g., listen to an episode of NRK dagsnytt on NRK radio; watch a bit of a show on NRK TV and write down what you understand; make an appointment with me to chat a bit; etc.).

Moreover, a very important part of learning Norwegian today is understanding Norway today, so a lot of our work will also expose us to contemporary Norwegian culture and Norwegian social and political issues by way of research and creative projects alongside individual exams and quizzes.


Erklæring om inkludering / Statement of Inclusivity

In this class, we affirm the diversity of our beings, personalities, perspectives, backgrounds, racial identities, ethnicities, gender identities & expressions, sexualities and sexual orientations, and political, religious, and cultural values as central to our community and to our practice. Human identity is the result of innumerable forces of experience, time, evolution, and culture on each individual, and it is the very reason our world is interesting—it is the reason we fight for a world built on dignity and respect. As we study Norwegian, we will practice thinking, listening, discussing, disagreeing, agreeing, and encountering our differences with respect and care for each other, both those in the class and those outside of it.


Religious Accommodations

Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW’s policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Religious Accommodations Policy (

Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the Religious Accommodations Request form (


Access & Accommodations

If you have already established accommodations with Disability Resources for Students (DRS), please communicate your approved accommodations to me at your earliest convenience so we can discuss your needs in this course.

If you have not yet established services through DRS, but have a temporary health condition or permanent disability that requires reasonable accommodations (conditions include but not limited to; mental health, attention-related, learning, vision, hearing, physical or health impacts), you are welcome to contact DRS at 206-543-8924 or or


Academic Advising

The SCAND Undergraduate Advisor, Kim Kraft, is available for in-person or Zoom appointments. She can help you with all things Scandinavian Studies-related, such as: selecting courses, creating a degree plan, exploring SCAND minors and majors, discussing double majors/degrees, studying abroad, filing for graduation, departmental Honors, and connecting to other UW resources.

Find the calendar link on our Canvas page or email her at to schedule an appointment.


The Snowball ListServ

“[Snowball community]” is a listserv for people interested in Scandinavian/Sámi/NOrdic and BALtic cultures and languages in the broader UW community. This includes current and former students, faculty, advisory board members, and members of the community at large. Anyone is welcome to join!

[Snowball community] is intended to be a place to advertise related events both on and off the UW campus such as language tables, meetings of extracurricular groups, excursions, exhibitions, talks, concerts, film screenings, as well as scholarship, internship, and employment opportunities related to the region. 


To join, add your e-mail under the link below:

To send an announcement to the list, e-mail:

Catalog Description:
Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Functional review of grammar. First in a sequence of three.
GE Requirements Met:
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated:
March 11, 2025 - 9:16 pm