Norwegian American Weekly: Special Education Issue

Submitted by Jessica M Larsen on

The Norwegian American Weekly is the only Norwegian-American newspaper in existence, and it has been published continuously since 1889. The Weekly is the continuation of over 500 Norwegian newspapers which have existed in America, including Western Viking of Seattle, Wash. and Norway Times of New York, and is published every Friday.

Every year the Norwegian American Weekly has a Special Education Issue. This annual Education Issue is packed full of fun and informative articles about Norwegian language learning and education. Five of these articles are featured on the Norwegian American Weekly's website. Two articles are written by students from our Department and one of the articles showcases our second year Norwegian language class.

The five articles are as follows:

Keeping the Spark

Love of language

So, why are you studying Norwegian?

Lean Norwegian from your phone!

Real world learning


To purchase a full copy of the Norwegian American Weekly's Education Issue click here.
