Please join us for a book-launch lecture with Henrik Berggren and Lars Trägårdh, speaking about their book The Swedish Theory of Love on Thursday, October 20, at 4:00PM in Savery 260.
In 2020 Sweden's response to COVID-19 drew renewed attention to the Nordic nation in a way that put the finger on a seeming paradox. Known for social solidarity, Sweden suddenly emerged as an advocate for individual rights. Henrik Berggren and Lars Trägårdh argue that the view of Sweden's welfare state as the result of socialist collectivism is flawed. Collectivism has long co-existed with a radical form of individualism. The English edition of the Swedish bestseller Är svensken människa?, The Swedish Theory of Love examines a political culture that stresses individual autonomy on the one hand and trust in the state on the other. Their book weaves Swedish philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, literary criticism, and political science into a rich contribution. Readers interested in the welfare state, European studies, transnationalism, and political reform will be riveted.
Come to the lecture, meet the authors, and pick up a copy of the book.