Congratulations Karin Filipsson for being recognized with the Nadia Christensen Award for Excellence in Nordic Studies for the academic year 2022-2023!
Karin Filipsson’s PhD project investigates the representation of postmigrant, transcultural identity in contemporary Swedish literature from a postcolonial perspective and analyzes how manifestations of inbetweenness relate to the contemporary discourse on migration as well as to the cultural memory of WWII and the understanding of Swedishness as whiteness. The dissertation investigates how postmigrant, transcultural writers and adoptee authors confront and challenge cultural identity in contemporary Swedish society and how these writers situate themselves in relation to previous generations of migrant writers, in particular writers from the postwar era.
In addition to her PhD project, Karin Filipsson recently published the article “Shadows and Silences in Göran Rosenberg’s Memoir: Jewish Postmemory in the Swedish Welfare State” in Scandinavian-Canadian Studies, as well as her translation of Margit Silberstein’s Children of the Holocaust in Swedish Book Review, and she also completed the Graduate Certificate in Feminist Studies with GWSS. She has been awarded the Marna Feldt Publication Award 2022, the Aurora Borealis Prize 2021, and the Joff Hanauer Fellowship for Excellence in Western Civilization 2021-2022.