Husky Giving Day is April 6th!

Submitted by Stacey Breitberg on

Thursday, April 6th is Husky Giving Day, the day you can join together with other alumni and friends of the UW to help support the Department of Scandinavian Studies!  

Our page can be found HERE, where you will also be able to see updates and news about the department, our faculty, and our students in the coming days.  

Please, check back in with our Husky Giving Day page, as well as our social media accounts (LinkedInTwitter, and Instagram) as we approach April 6th, and if you can, share our Husky Giving Day page with everyone you know. You will be helping us to continue building our community, and broadening the impact we have on our students' hearts, minds, and lives.  

We hope you will join in on April 6th!

Thank you! Ačiū! Aitäh! Giitu! Kiitos! Paldies! Tack! Tak! Takk!
