You might still be wondering “Why to study Finnish?” Is it difficult? What’s the benefit? Let the students answer!
Miksi opiskelet suomea?
Why do you study Finnish?
Arianna21, major linguistics, second year Finnish class
Aloitan opiskella kielitiedettä, ja tarvitsin kurssin, jossa opiskelisin kieltä, mitä ei ole indoeurooppalaisen kieliperheessä. Mutta tykkään suomen kielestä tosi hyvin ja halusin olla toisella kurssilla.
Honestly, this started just as a program requirement, but has become a fascination and hobby rolled into one! I often pass free moments by reading about Finnish grammar. |
Jordan21, major math and art, second year Finnish class
Koska ukkoni ja äitini puhuvat suomea ja haluaisin puhua heidän kanssa.
Because my grandpa and my mom both speak Finnish and I would like to speak it with them. |
Brad21, major linguistics, second year Finnish class
Opiskelen suomea koska Suomi on kiinnostava maa ja haluaisin matkustaa siellä.
I study Finnish because Finland is an interesting country and I would like to travel there. |
Derek29, major Pathobiology, school of Public Health, first year Finnish class
I plan to study and live in Helsinki for 1-3 years and knowing Finnish will give me a chance to better integrate into Finnish society.
Alicia25, major Comparative literature, first year Finnish class
Partly, because my ancestors were Finnish, but mostly because I find both the sound and the grammar equally fascinating.
Millaista on opiskella suomea?
What do you think about studying Finnish?
Charlotte18, major Music, third year Finnish class
On vaikeaa, mutta hauskaa. Opin paljon Suomen kulttuurista, historiasta, ja kielestä.
It is sometimes difficult but always fun. I learn a lot about Finnish culture, history, and, of course, the language. |
Arianna21, major linguistics, second year Finnish class
On todella kivaa opiskella suomea. Kieli on vähän outoa, mutta se ei ole huonoa.
I enjoy it very much. I don’t find the grammar particularly hard most of the time; it is mainly the rather foreign vocabulary which at times seem more difficult to master. |
LaurelPh.D. student in linguistics, first year Finnish class
I am enjoying it very much. It is very interesting to see the differences between Indo-European languages and Finnish. |
Alicia25, major Comparative literature, first year Finnish class
I love the vowel sounds and the way it’s different from every other language I’ve studied.
Brad21, major linguistics, second year Finnish class
Minusta opiskella suomea on ihan hauska. Puhun Englantia ja minusta suomi on melko outo ja hauska kieli. Kurssit ovat pieni ja ihmiset ovat hyviä.
Studying Finnish is really fun. As an English speaker, Finnish is a pretty strange and fun language. The courses are small and the people are nice. |
Babak33, major Electric Engineering, first year Finnish class
It’s great. It has opened an entirely new window towards Finland for me.
Mitä etua luulet suomen kielen taidosta olevan sinulle tulevaisuudessa?
In the future, how do you think you will be able to benefit from knowing Finnish?
Tinamajor International Studies and Economics, first year Finnish class
As an International studies major, I will probably have a job where I work with people from around the world. Finnish will probably come in handy.
Angie37, Extension student, third year Finnish class
Toivon lukea sanomalehtia ja kirjen perheni sähköpostia, kuunnella Radio suomea parempi, ja puhua puhelin myös. Puhelin sanoa on vaikea, nyt.
I hope to read newspapers, write email to my family, hear Finnish broadcast better + speak on the phone, too. Speaking on the phone is difficult, right now. |
LaurelPh.D. student in linguistics, first year Finnish class
Knowing Finnish will certainly benefit my professional work. I hope to be able to draw on Finnish examples when studying/developing cross linguistic theories. I hope that knowing Finnish will also benefit my personal life – it would be fun to travel there!
Charlotte18, major Music, third year Finnish class
Ehkä opettaisin Suomea, tai voin käydä Suomessa ja puhua suomea. Myös tykkäisit lukea kirjoita suomeksi.
Maybe I would teach Finnish to someone, or I could go to Finland and be able to speak Finnish. Also I would like to read some books in Finnish. |
Babak33, major Electric Engineering, first year Finnish class
Besides being able to connect better with relatives, I’m hoping that we can expand (UW) technical and scientific ties with Finland. Hopefully, we can initiate joint programs between UW and Finnish universities and companies.
Matthewmajor History, first year Finnish class
My girlfriend’s family is Finnish. Maybe they’ll like me more.