Historian/Author Bjorn Westlie Visited Our Class

Submitted by Stacey Breitberg on

Earlier this month, on October 10th, historian Bjorn Westlie visited our SCAND 445/JSIS A 442 class to discuss his book, 'My Father's War', which was assigned reading for the class. As you can see, the students are holding up their copies. Dr. Marianne Stecher-Hansen, who was teaching this course, also interviewed Westlie about his work and the book (recently translated by Prof. Dean Krouk and published by U Wisconsin Press).

Most of the class' 32 students were present that day, so they got a chance to hear about the material they have been studying directly from the source, which is a real benefit and something that will likely linger with them for years to come.

Thank you to Bjorn Westlie, for taking the time to share your work with us, and thank you to Dr. Stecher-Hansen for providing such important and interesting coursework for your students!
