Marianne Stecher-Hansen (she/her/hers)

Photo of Marianne Stecher

Contact Information

Raitt 305Z
Office Hours
Fridays 11:30am - 2:00pm or by appointment.


PhD, Scandinavian Languages & Literatures, UC Berkeley, 1990
MA, Scandinavian Languages & Literature, University of Washington, 1981
BA, History and Scandinavian Languages & Literature, UC Berkeley, 1978
Curriculum Vitae (209.22 KB)

Marianne Stecher-Hansen is professor of Danish and Scandinavian Studies and works in literary and cultural studies.  Professor Stecher-Hansen teaches and publishes on 19th- and 20th century Scandinavian literary figures, materials and texts.  Her research engages cultural memory studies, literary criticism, postcolonial theory and textual studies in relation to the Nordic region, particularly Denmark. Her edited collection Nordic War Stories - World War II as History, Fiction, Media and Memory (2021) is  published by Berghahn Books.  She has also published The Creative Dialectic in Karen Blixen’s Essays (2014), University of Chicago Press, and the critical commentary for Karen Blixen Værker; Skygger paa Græsset—Essays (2020), published in Denmark.  Professor Stecher-Hansen  teaches graduate seminars as well as undergraduate courses in Scandinavian literature and culture, advanced Danish language and literature as well as classes that are cross-listed in Comparative Literature (CLIT), Global Literary Studies (GLITS) and European Studies (JSIS A).  She serves as Review Editor for the journal of Scandinavian Studies.


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Professional Affiliations
American Scandinavian Foundation, Danish Society of Language and Literature, Modern Language Association, Society for Advancement of Scandinavian Studies, Association for Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada.

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