Wade Hollingshaus on Erkki Kurrenniemi at age One Hundred Seven

Submitted by Andrew Nestingen on
Wade Hollingshaus
Wade Hollingshaus
Wade Hollingshaus
Wade Hollingshaus
Andrew Nestingen, Wade Hollingshaus, Ilmari Ivaska
Andrew Nestingen, Wade Hollingshaus, Ilmari Ivaska

Wade Hollingshaus spoke on Finnish artist Erkki Kurenniemi on 25 February 2016. Kurenniemi has been a lively and provocative performance artist, musician, composer, filmmaker, early computer prograrmer, and inventor since the 1960s. He has built an archive of his activities and work, which seeks to record the totality of his life. On his 107th birthday, in 2048, Kurennienmi has given instructions that this acthival material be used to resurrect him as  a new consciousness. Hollinghaus' lecture appraoched Kurenniemi's project through analysis of the the aesthetics of Kurenniemi's work, arguing that they are richly understood through Deleuzian concepts of consciousness, performance and event. Wade Hollingshaus is Associate Professor of Theater and Media Arts at Brigham Young University, and alum of the Scandinavian Studies Department (MA '99). 
