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Solvita Burr publishes new book Ceļvedis pilsētu tekstu izpētē (A Guide to Exploring City Texts) |
Baltic Studies Program celebrates 25th Anniversary |
Tija Iles - B.A. & Minor, 2016 |
30 years later, the human chain that 'unshackled' the Baltic nations still matters |
Latvian Folk Band “Vilkači” Visits UW |
Latvian Translation Competion- "Found in Translation-Rainis and Aspazija" |
2014 Baltic Studies St. Martin's Fundraiser |
Professor Smidchens Honored by Latvian Government |
NATO Specialist Discusses Military Preparedness in the Baltic |
Guntis Šmidchens Interview in The Daily |
Guntis Šmidchens' New Book Explores "The Singing Revolution" |
Latvian President Visits |
The Baltic in the 21st Century on UW TV |