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Ia Dübois' research initially focused on issues of ethnic identity in Sweden and in Swedish literature. Inspired by her interest in interdisciplinary approaches to her research, and by a course she created a few years ago, Dr. Dübois turned her research from Scandinavian literature for a while to focus on a comparative study of sexuality in Scandinavia with the intent to find out if, and how, the Scandinavian countries differ in their perceptions of sexuality in society. More specifically, what made Sweden so progressive and liberal after the welfare state was established in 1933?
As Dübois soon found more differences between the Nordic countires than she expected, the initial phase of her research focused on socio-political issues, particularly on legislative actions with regards to human sexuality. While issues like homosexuality, prostitution and trafficking of women and children are debated globally today, each Scandinavian country has its own interpretation of how their society should handle these issues.
Dr. Dübois spent the Fall Quarter 2006 at Linköping University in Sweden, where she was a Jonsson Family Scholar.
- Introduction to Scandinavian Culture
- Scandinavian Poetry
- Swedish Language and Literature
- Sexuality in Scandinavia: Myth and Reality