
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
“‘Might be going to have lived’: The West in the Subjunctive Mood.” Western American Literature 48.1-2 (Spring/Summer, 2013): 201-222. Print. Publications, Essays
“A Scandalous Similarity? TheWild Duck and the Romantic Child” in Ibsen Studies.Issue 1, June 2013 Publications, Essays
Thelander, Mats & Melander, Björn (2014). Som det heter på nysvenska ... In Karin Helgesson, Hans Landqvist, Benjamin Lyngfelt, Jenny Nilsson & Catrin Norrby (eds.) Fint språk/Good language, Göteborg: Styrelsen för Mejerbergs institut vid Göteborgs universitet. Pp. 183-194. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "The Role of Kingship in the Monarchist-Republican Debate in Norway, 1905." The Historian: A Journal of History (1986): 268-278. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "The Land They Left Behind: Norway at the Time of Emigration." Family Sagas: Stories of Scandinavian Immigrants. Seattle: Scandinavian Language Institute, 1997. 201-210. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Sigurd Ibsen and the Origins of National Monarchy in Norway." Scandinavian Studies (1979): 392-412. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Pilgrimage and Propaganda: An American Newspapermen's Tour of Norway, 1927." Norwegian-American Studies, vol.35. Norwegian-American Historical Association: 2000. 197-216. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Norwegian Independence and British Opinion: January to August, 1814." Scandinavian Studies (1975): 364-382. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Marcus Thrane and Dagslyset." Norse Heritage - 1989 Year Book. Stavanger: Det norske utvandrersenteret, 1989. 39-51. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Entertainment as Propaganda: Marcus Thrane and the Chicago Fire." Scandinavian Journal of History (1990): 239-244. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Catalysts to Disunion: Sigurd Ibsen and Ringeren, 1898-1899." Scandinavian Studies (1999): 297-310. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Becoming Norwegian: Sigurd Ibsen in America, 1886-1888." Scandinavian Studies (1996): 188-202. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Dannelse fremfor alt. Marcus Thrane: A Playwright with a Purpose." Norwegian-American Essays, 1999. Oslo and Hamar: Norwegian Emigrant Museum and Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1999. 181-192. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. ""Kong Karl eller 'President Konow.' Norway's Form of Government and the Pamphlet Debate in 1905." Scandinavians in Old and New Lands: Essays in Honor of H. Arnold Barton. Chicago: Swedish-American Historical Association, 2004. 71-82. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren, "In the Shadow of the Great Powers: Norway and the Napoleonic Wars" / "I skyggen av stormaktene: Norge og napoleonskrigene," in 1814 - 2014 - Rødt, Hvitt, Blått: Norsk Grunnlov, Amerikansk inspirasjon. Gudleiv Forr, editor (Oslo: ArtPro forlag a/s, 2014): 52-62. Publications, Essays
Stecher [Stecher-Hansen], Marianne.  Review of Mads Bunch, Isak Dinesen Reading Søren Kierkegaard.  On Christianity, Seduction, Gender, and Repetition.  In Danske Studier (2017): 197 - 202. Publications, Essays
Norén, Coco, Melander, Björn, Josserand, Jérôme & Nyroos, Lina (2014). Röster i samspel och konflikt: Den Europaparlamentariska debattens textpolyfoni. In Hedwig Reuter (ed.) Le Nord en français: traduction, interprétation, interculturalité, Mons: Éditions du C.I.P.A. Pp. 159-172. Publications, Essays
Milek, Karen, Davide Zori, Colin Connors, Waltraud Baier, Kate Baker, and Jesse Byock. 2014. "Interpreting Social Space and Social Status in the Viking-Age House at Hrísbrú Using Integrated Geoarchaeological and Microrefuse Analyses." In Viking-Age Archaeology in Iceland: the Mosfell Archaeological Project, ed. Davide Zori and Jesse Byock, pp. 143-62. Turnhout: Brepols. Publications, Essays
Melander, Björn, Oosterhof, Albert, Rawoens, Gudrun & Laureys, Godelieve (2013). Hoe is het nog gesteld met de verengelsing van het Nederlands?. In Over taal. Pp. 48-50. Publications, Essays
Melander, Björn, Josserand, Jérôme, Nyroos, Lina & Norén, Coco (2014). Underbart är kort? Om taltidsrespekt i svenska och franska EU-debatter. In Hedwig Reuter (ed.) Le Nord en français: traduction, interprétation, interculturalité, Mons: Éditions du C.I.P.A. Pp. 143-157. Publications, Essays
Melander, Björn (2013). Språkpolitik och språkvård. In Eva Sundgren (ed.) Sociolingvistik, Stockholm: Liber. Pp. 325-352. Publications, Essays
Marianne T. Stecher.  Review of Hans Christian Andersen: European Witness.  By Paul Binding. Comparative Literature Studies, vol. 54, no. 4, 2016: 794 - 798. Publications, Essays
Marianne Stecher. "Soldier’s Daughter: Karen Blixen and Nazism – ‘Breve fra et Land i Krig'." Scandinavian Studies 82.1 (2010): 53-95. Publications, Essays
Marianne Stecher. "Karen Blixen on Feminism and Womanliness - 'En Baaltale med 14 Aaars Fosinkelse'." Scandinavian Studies 82.2 (2011): 191-232. Publications, Essays
Marianne Stecher, "Modernity, Technology, and Tourism -- Hans Christian Andersen's Futuristic Tales" in More Than Just Fairy Tales, edited by Julie Allen (Cognella).  Essays