“Language and its functionality in the urban public space: Linguistic landscape of the Baltic states” (In Latvian)

Pošeiko, Solvita (2015). Valodas un to funkcionalitāte publiskajā telpā: lingvistiskā ainava Baltijas valstīs.// Language and its functionality in the urban public space: Linguistic landscape of the Baltic states. Riga: LU. https://dspace.lu.lv/dspace/handle/7/31349 

Theoretical and methodological research questions regarding linguistic landscape (in total) and ergonyms (in particular) are developed in the theoretical portion of the dissertation, revealing the most significant developments in the Baltic states and the world, with particular attention given to the conceptual terminology of linguistic landscape and ergonyms, and expanding the four linguistic landscape theories which are associated with the linguistic, semiotic and economic linguistic landscape awareness. Theoretical questions are illustrated with examples from the Baltic Linguistic Landscape Database. The general sociolinguistic characteristics of the Baltic linguistic landscape are provided in the practical portion of the dissertation, focusing on the most common language functionally used in different areas of public life, and the linguistic attitudes of those participating in the sociolinguistic process towards language used in the public sphere. The linguistic, sociolinguistic and semiotic characteristics of ergonyms are also widely expanded upon, somewhat updating their sociopragmatic functionality in the Baltic states.

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