
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Gunn, Olivia N. “Leaving the Theatre of Suffering: Two Endings—and a Color-Conscious Future?—for Hedda Gabler.” Theatre Journal (Washington, D.C.), vol. 73, no. 2, 2021, pp. 189–207. Publications, Essays
Gunn, Olivia Noble. Empty Nurseries, Queer Occupants: Reproduction and the Future in Ibsen's Late Plays. Routledge, 2020. Publications, Books
Marianne T. Stecher.  Review of Hans Christian Andersen: European Witness.  By Paul Binding. Comparative Literature Studies, vol. 54, no. 4, 2016: 794 - 798. Publications, Essays
“A Scandalous Similarity? TheWild Duck and the Romantic Child” in Ibsen Studies.Issue 1, June 2013 Publications, Essays
Larson, Katherine L. Norwegian Double-Weave and the Warp-Weighted Loom: The Northern Gudbrandsdal Tradition. 2011. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Publications, Graduate, Dissertations
Terje I. Leiren. Selected Plays of Marcus Thrane. Norwegian-American Historical Association and University of Washington Press: 2008. Publications, Books
Marianne Stecher. Danish Writers from the Reformation to Decadence. Dictionary of Literary Biography vol. 300. Detroit: Gale Group, 2004. Publications, Books
Terje I. Leiren. "Dannelse fremfor alt. Marcus Thrane: A Playwright with a Purpose." Norwegian-American Essays, 1999. Oslo and Hamar: Norwegian Emigrant Museum and Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1999. 181-192. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Catalysts to Disunion: Sigurd Ibsen and Ringeren, 1898-1899." Scandinavian Studies (1999): 297-310. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Becoming Norwegian: Sigurd Ibsen in America, 1886-1888." Scandinavian Studies (1996): 188-202. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Entertainment as Propaganda: Marcus Thrane and the Chicago Fire." Scandinavian Journal of History (1990): 239-244. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Marcus Thrane and Dagslyset." Norse Heritage - 1989 Year Book. Stavanger: Det norske utvandrersenteret, 1989. 39-51. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Sigurd Ibsen and the Origins of National Monarchy in Norway." Scandinavian Studies (1979): 392-412. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Norwegian Independence and British Opinion: January to August, 1814." Scandinavian Studies (1975): 364-382. Publications, Essays