
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Pošeiko, S. (2018). Glocal Names in the Linguistic Landscape of the Baltic States. In: Multilingualism in the Baltic States: Social Discourses and Contact Phenomena (eds., S.Lazdiņa, H.F. Marten). Palgrave macmillan. pp. 369 - 405. Publications
Pošeiko, S. (2018). “Following footsteps of names”: Commercial Ergonymia in Linguistic Landscape of the Baltic Countries. In: Cotticelli Kurras, P., Alfredo Rizza, A. (eds., 2018). Language, Media and Economy in Virtual and Real Life. New perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 99–122. Publications
Guntis Šmidchens, "Singing Revolution, Past and Present" Foreign Policy Research Institute Baltic Bulletin, 12 October 2016 Publications, Essays
Guntis Šmidchens. The Power of Song: Nonviolent National Cultures in the Baltic Singing Revolution. University of Washington Press and Museum Tusculanum Press, 2014. Publications, Books
Garbes, H. and A. Schmidt. “Baltic Languages: Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian,” in D. Karna, ed., The Use of the International Phonetic Alphabet in the Choral Rehearsal.  Landham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2012.  Publications, Books
Guntis Šmidchens, "Herder and Lithuanian Folksongs," Lituanus 56,1 (2010): Publications, Essays
Guntis Šmidchens. "Introduction: Fighting for Liberty in Lithuania." Lionginas Baliukevičius: The Diary of a Partisan. Vilnius: Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania, 2008. 11-24. Publications, Essays
Guntis Šmidchens. "Baltic Studies Summer Institute." Film.  BALSSI Consortium: 2004. Publications, DVD/Film
Guntis Šmidchens. "Why Study Baltic Languages?" Newsnet: News of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. 2003. 25-27. Publications, Essays