News Archive

Image Title Published
Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellowships (FLAS) available to undergraduate, graduate and professional students
Professor Marianne Stecher and Lecturer Ilmari Ivaska
Scandinavian Studies at the UW Study Abroad Fair
Liina-Ly Roos, Karin Eriksson, Anna Serner (SFI's CEO), Lars Jenner, Mimi Nielsen, Lisa Aschan (Screenwriter)
Scandinavian Department Students and Faculty at ASTRA, 2015
Trygve Ugland on Migration Policy in Canada and Scandinavia
Trgyve Ugland on Migration and Europe
Special Guests Lola Rogers and Johanna Sinisalo
Finnish Program 25th Anniversary Celebration
Ambassador David O'Sullivan speaking to Professor Christine Ingebritsen's class
EU Ambassador To the United States Visits the Department of Scandinavian Studies
Call for Papers for AASSC
Veljo Tormis and Estonian Folksongs
Estonian Choir Performs in Celebration of Veljo Tormis' 85th Birthday
Wade Hollinghaus
Congratulations Wade Hollinghaus
Photo © 2015 Swedish Book Review
Helena Forsås-Scott 1945–2015
Mikael Steene, (January 18, 1962 - May 3, 2015)
New Class- SCAND 479/ JSIS A EURO 429 - Eco- Capitalism
Faculty Spotlight
Congratulations to Britt Lewis
Congratulations to Kevin Jenson!
Marianne Stecher invited Keynote Speaker for AASSC at Congress 2015 for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa, June 2nd.
Latvian Translation Competion- "Found in Translation-Rainis and Aspazija"
Professor Andrew Nestingen Appointed Department Chair Effective July 1, 2015
Norwegian Literature and Culture- Fall Course 2015- NORW 312
Queen Margrethe II of Denmark's Birthday Celebration at the Nothwest Danish Association's Harmony Hall
Sofi Oksanen, author of When The Doves Disappeared/
Sofia Oksanen: ‘We know about British colonialism. Russian colonialism is not well known.’
Alumna Mall Pesti Publishes a Book of Estonian Childrens’ Poems in English
New Course: SCAND 462 A- Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) & Modern Nordic Women: Public Intellectuals, Pundits, and Writers
New Course: Typological and Historical Perspectives on Finnish Language - SCAND 342 A