
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Andrew K. Nestingen. "Leaving Home: Global Circulation and Kaurismäki’s Ariel." Journal of Finnish Studies 6/1-2 (2002): 5-26. Publications, Essays
Aija Elg. "Use of ICT in Teaching Finnish Language at Indiana University." SASS 2000: The 90th Annual Meeting of The Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US. 2000. Publications, Essays
Aija Elg. "Suomen kielen ja kulttuurin lähde." Helsinki (Finnish as a foreign language course book for upper secondary schools). 2006. Publications, Essays
Aija Elg. "Distance Learning at Indiana University." Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop for ODL Materials – Production and Delivery, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain. 2000. Publications, Essays
Ilmari Ivaska. "Lausetyyppien sekoittuminen edistyneessä oppijansuomessa - näkökulmana eksistentiaalilause". ('Clause type confusion in advanced learner Finnish: Existential sentence as our perspective'). Lähivertailuja 21 (2011): 65-85. Publications, Essays
Ilmari Ivaska. "Eksistentiaalilauseen subjektijäsen edistyneiden suomenoppijoiden kirjoituksessa".  ('Subject Constituent of the Existential Sentence in the Writing') Sananjalka 52 (2010): 67-88.. Publications, Essays
Ilmari Ivaska, Kirsti Siitonen. "Avainrakenneanalyysi: tapa tutkia oppijankielen lauserakennetta korpusvetoisesti". ('Keystructure Analysis. A way to study clause structure by means of corpus-driven approach'). AFinLA-e 3 (2011): 35-47. Publications, Essays
Ilmari Ivaska, Elisa Reunanen, & Kirsti Siitonen. "Infinite Konstruktionen im fortgeschrittenen Finnisch als Fremdsprache" ('Infinitive constructions in advanced learner Finnish') - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher 26, (2016), 46-76. Publications, Essays
"The Industrial Revolution of Faroese Cinema: The Development of a National Cinema within a Transnational Industry'' Publications, Essays
"Memory, Temporality, and the Child in the Cinema of Roy Andersson." Publications, Essays
"Rörelse, språk och nation hos Edith Södergran och Henry Parland." Publications, Essays