
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Clare, Stephanie D., and Maxine Savage. 2024. ”Trans Milieus: Sex/Gender and the Critique of ’Nature.’” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 11 (4): 572-593. Publications, Articles
Savage, Maxine. 2024. "Landscapes Envisaged: Ruth Smith's (Self)Portraiture." Periskop: Forum for Kunsthistorisk Debat 32: 58-65. Publications, Essays
Olivia Noble Gunn. “Siss/Unn/ingen: The Queer Revenant in Is-slottet.” Edda, vol. 110, no. 2, 2023, pp. 90–102, Publications, Articles
Stecher [Stecher-Hansen], Marianne T., "Efterskrift - Erindringsfortællinger og Essayistik," in Blixen, Karen, Skygger paa Græsset & Essays. Edited by Nicolas Reinecke-Wilkendorff. 1. Tekstkritiske og kommenterede udgave ed. Værker / Karen Blixen. Kbh.: Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab/Gyldendal, 2020, pp. 515 - 592. Publications, Books
Marianne T. Stecher, The Creative Dialectic in Karen Blixen's Essays: Gender, Nazi Germany, and Colonial Desire (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2014).  Publications, Books
Nestingen, Andrew. "Nordic Noir: The Human Criminal," in Homer B. Pettey and Barton Palmer (eds.), International Noir, Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2014. Publications
Stecher [Stecher-Hansen], Marianne. The Creative Dialectic in Karen Blixen's Essays: Gender, Nazi Germany, and Colonial Desire. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press/University of Chicago, 2014.  pp. 276. Publications, Books
Andrew K. Nestingen. The Cinema of Aki Kaurismäki: Contrarian Stories. New York: Wallflower (Columbia University Press), 2013. Publications, Books
Andrew K. Nestingen, Paula Arvas, eds. Scandinavian Crime Fiction. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2011. 200 pp. Publications, Books
Guntis Šmidchens. "Introduction: Fighting for Liberty in Lithuania." Lionginas Baliukevičius: The Diary of a Partisan. Vilnius: Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania, 2008. 11-24. Publications, Essays
Andrew K. Nestingen, Trevor G. Elkington, eds. Transnational Cinema in a Global North: Nordic Cinema in Transition. Wayne State University Press: 2005. Publications, Books
Terje I. Leiren. ""Kong Karl eller 'President Konow.' Norway's Form of Government and the Pamphlet Debate in 1905." Scandinavians in Old and New Lands: Essays in Honor of H. Arnold Barton. Chicago: Swedish-American Historical Association, 2004. 71-82. Publications, Essays
Andrew K. Nestingen. "Reimagining the Road Movie: Det nya landet (2000), Ariel (1988), and the Transnational Road Movie." Globalisering: Spøkelse eller visjon? (Eds. Kjersti Faldet Listhaug and Sissel Lie). Trondheim: NTNU, 2003. 51-64. Publications, Essays
Ia Dübois. "Lars Gustafsson." Twentieth-Century Swedish Writers, Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol 257. Detroit: Gale Group, 2002. 115-130. Publications, Essays
Ia Dübois. "Katarina Frostenson." Twentieth-Century Swedish Writers, Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol 257. Detroit: Gale Group, 2002. 90-97. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Pilgrimage and Propaganda: An American Newspapermen's Tour of Norway, 1927." Norwegian-American Studies, vol.35. Norwegian-American Historical Association: 2000. 197-216. Publications, Essays
Marianne Stecher. Twentieth-Century Danish Writers, Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol 214. Detroit: Gale Group, 1999. Publications, Books
Terje I. Leiren. "The Role of Kingship in the Monarchist-Republican Debate in Norway, 1905." The Historian: A Journal of History (1986): 268-278. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Sigurd Ibsen and the Origins of National Monarchy in Norway." Scandinavian Studies (1979): 392-412. Publications, Essays
Ia Dübois. Article on Katarina Frostenson (to be titled). Female Voices of the North. Ed. by Inger Olsen and Sven H. Rossel. Vienna: Editon Praesens. In progress. Publications, Essays