
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Cederström, B. Marcus, Tim Frandy, and Colin Gioia Connors. 2018. "Indigenous Sustainabilities: Decolonization, Education, and Collaboration at the Ojibwe Winter Games." Journal of Sustainability Education 18(March): online. Publications, Essays
Chowdhury, A. Elkorghli, E. (2017) Muslims, Followers of Islam, and Speakers of Arabic. In Ariza, E. (3rd edition), Not for ESOL Teachers: What every classroom teacher needs to know about the linguistically, culturally, and ethnically diverse student (263-275). Iowa: KendallHunt. Publications, Books
Cederström, B. Marcus,  Colin Gioia Connors, Thomas DuBois, Tim Frandy, and Carrie Roy. 2016. "Wiigwaasi-Jiimaan: These Canoes Carry Culture." Documentary film. Vimeo. Publications, DVD/Film
Cederström, B. Marcus, Tim Frandy, Thomas A. DuBois, and Colin Gioia Connors. 2016. "Heritage Repatriation at an Ojibwe Public School: A Partnership of Folklorists and Community Educators." Journal of Folklore and Education 2016(3): 31-41. Publications, Essays
Gunn, Olivia Noble. “Knausgård’s Scandalous ‘Labia’: Shame, Re-Enchantment, and the Pursuit of a More Imaginative Sex Education.” Scandinavian Studies, vol. 96, no. 3, 2024, pp. 92–116. Publications, Articles