
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Gunn, Olivia Noble. “Knausgård’s Scandalous ‘Labia’: Shame, Re-Enchantment, and the Pursuit of a More Imaginative Sex Education.” Scandinavian Studies, vol. 96, no. 3, 2024, pp. 92–116. Publications, Articles
Clare, Stephanie D., and Maxine Savage. 2024. ”Trans Milieus: Sex/Gender and the Critique of ’Nature.’” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 11 (4): 572-593. Publications, Articles
Olivia Noble Gunn. “Siss/Unn/ingen: The Queer Revenant in Is-slottet.” Edda, vol. 110, no. 2, 2023, pp. 90–102, Publications, Articles
Vol.29 (2022): Scandinavian-Canadian Studies/Études Scandinaves au Canada Vol. 29 (2022). Publications
Stecher-Hansen, Marianne, ed. Nordic War Stories: World War II as History, Fiction, Media and Memory.  New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. Publications, Books
Nordic War Stories - The Second World War as Fiction, Film and History, edited by Marianne T. Stecher Publications
Stecher [Stecher-Hansen], Marianne T., "Efterskrift - Erindringsfortællinger og Essayistik," in Blixen, Karen, Skygger paa Græsset & Essays. Edited by Nicolas Reinecke-Wilkendorff. 1. Tekstkritiske og kommenterede udgave ed. Værker / Karen Blixen. Kbh.: Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab/Gyldendal, 2020, pp. 515 - 592. Publications, Books
Gunn, Olivia Noble. “Growing Up: Knausgård on Proust, Boyishness, and (Straight) Time.” Scandinavian Studies, vol. 92, no. 3, 2020, pp. 325–347. Publications, Essays
Terje Leiren and Jan Sjåvik, Historical Dictionary of Norway. Second Edition.  Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019.  Publications, Books
Guntis Šmidchens, Dziesmu vara: Nevardarbīga nacionālā kultūra Baltijas dziesmotajā revolūcijā. Latvian Translation of Power of Song, 2014. Riga, Latvia: Apgāds Mansards, 2017. Publications, Books
Connors, Colin Gioia, trans. 2015. The eSaga of Hrafnkell Freysgoði: A New Translation of “Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða." Apple Inc.: iTunes Store. IBA file. Publications, Translations
Christine Ingebritsen. "Stieg Larsson and the New Globalism: Lessons from Sweden in an uncertain age." Power in a Complex Global System. Eds Louis W. Pauly and Bruce W. Jentleson. New York: Routledge, 2014. 36-45. Publications, Essays
“‘Might be going to have lived’: The West in the Subjunctive Mood.” Western American Literature 48.1-2 (Spring/Summer, 2013): 201-222. Print. Publications, Essays
"My Motorcycle" 19 poems by Imants Ziedonis. Latvian Literature #7 (2008): 5-38. Publications, Translations
"My Motorcycle" 19 poems by Imants Ziedonis. Latvian Literature #7 (2008): 5-38. Publications, Translations