
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Connors, Colin Gioia, trans. 2015. The eSaga of Hrafnkell Freysgoði: A New Translation of “Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða." Apple Inc.: iTunes Store. IBA file. Publications, Translations
"My Motorcycle" 19 poems by Imants Ziedonis. Latvian Literature #7 (2008): 5-38. Publications, Translations
"My Motorcycle" 19 poems by Imants Ziedonis. Latvian Literature #7 (2008): 5-38. Publications, Translations
Tiina Nunnally, trans. Unseen by Mari Jungstedt (tr. from Swedish). New York: St. Martin’s, 2006. Publications, Translations
Tiina Nunnally, trans. The Book about Blanche and Marie by Per Olov Enquist (tr. from Swedish). New York: Overlook; London: Harvill, 2006. Publications, Translations
Guntis Šmidchens. Translation from Latvian to English, "Latvian Bourdon Songs." Baltic Voices. Harmonia Mundi, Volume 1, HMU 907311: 2003. Publications, Translations
Katherine Jane Hanson, Nancy Sipe, and Barbara Wilson, trans. Cecilie Høigard and Liv Finstad's Backstreets: Prostitution, Money and Love. Penn State Press: 1992. Publications, Translations
Katherine Jane Hanson, Judith Messick, trans. Amalie Skram's Under Observation. Seattle: Seal Press, 1992. Publications, Translations
Aija Elg, trans. Koskinen, Lacruz, Martinez, Monforte & Montesinos.  The Great Paella Cookbook for Online Learning. Helsinki University of Technology and Universidad Politecnica de Valencia: 1991. Publications, Translations
Katherine Jane Hanson, Judith Messick, trans. Amalie Skram's Constance Ring. Seattle: Seal Press, 1988. Publications, Translations
Katherine Jane Hanson, ed. and trans. An Everyday Story: Norwegian Women's Fiction. Seattle: Seal Press, 1984. Revised and expanded, 1995. Publications, Books, Translations