
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Terje Leiren and Jan Sjåvik, Historical Dictionary of Norway. Second Edition.  Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019.  Publications, Books
Elkorghli, E. "A Qualitative Comparison of Male Somalis’ Educational Experiences in Minnesota and Norway", 9-11April 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada, National Social Science Association Proceedings, May 2017 Publications, Essays
Bjoörklund, Jenny and Lindquist, Ursula, eds. New Dimensions of Diversity. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Publications, Books, Essays
Nestingen, Andrew. "Nordic Noir: The Human Criminal," in Homer B. Pettey and Barton Palmer (eds.), International Noir, Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2014. Publications
Christine Ingebritsen. "Stieg Larsson and the New Globalism: Lessons from Sweden in an uncertain age." Power in a Complex Global System. Eds Louis W. Pauly and Bruce W. Jentleson. New York: Routledge, 2014. 36-45. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. ""Kong Karl eller 'President Konow.' Norway's Form of Government and the Pamphlet Debate in 1905." Scandinavians in Old and New Lands: Essays in Honor of H. Arnold Barton. Chicago: Swedish-American Historical Association, 2004. 71-82. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Pilgrimage and Propaganda: An American Newspapermen's Tour of Norway, 1927." Norwegian-American Studies, vol.35. Norwegian-American Historical Association: 2000. 197-216. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Dannelse fremfor alt. Marcus Thrane: A Playwright with a Purpose." Norwegian-American Essays, 1999. Oslo and Hamar: Norwegian Emigrant Museum and Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1999. 181-192. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Catalysts to Disunion: Sigurd Ibsen and Ringeren, 1898-1899." Scandinavian Studies (1999): 297-310. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "The Land They Left Behind: Norway at the Time of Emigration." Family Sagas: Stories of Scandinavian Immigrants. Seattle: Scandinavian Language Institute, 1997. 201-210. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Becoming Norwegian: Sigurd Ibsen in America, 1886-1888." Scandinavian Studies (1996): 188-202. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Entertainment as Propaganda: Marcus Thrane and the Chicago Fire." Scandinavian Journal of History (1990): 239-244. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Marcus Thrane and Dagslyset." Norse Heritage - 1989 Year Book. Stavanger: Det norske utvandrersenteret, 1989. 39-51. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. Marcus Thrane: A Norwegian Radical in America. Norwegian-American Historical Association: 1987. Publications, Books
Terje I. Leiren. "The Role of Kingship in the Monarchist-Republican Debate in Norway, 1905." The Historian: A Journal of History (1986): 268-278. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Sigurd Ibsen and the Origins of National Monarchy in Norway." Scandinavian Studies (1979): 392-412. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Norwegian Independence and British Opinion: January to August, 1814." Scandinavian Studies (1975): 364-382. Publications, Essays Publications Publications