Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Connors, Colin Gioia. 2022. "Translating Context with Digital Media in Medieval Icelandic Literature: Hrafnkels saga and The eSaga Project." In Culture Work: Folklore and the Humanities for a 21st Century Public, ed. Tim Frandy & Marcus Cederström, pp.302-11. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. |
Publications, Essays |
Icelandic, Old Norse, Digital Humanities, Folklore and Mythology, Medieval, Public Scholarship, Translation and Interpretation |
‘The Language of Birds in Old Norse Tradition’, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 120.2 (April, 2021), 209–38 |
Publications, Articles |
Animal Studies, Folklore and Mythology, Icelandic, Medieval, Old Norse |
Guntis Šmidchens, Dziesmu vara: Nevardarbīga nacionālā kultūra Baltijas dziesmotajā revolūcijā. Latvian Translation of Power of Song, 2014. Riga, Latvia: Apgāds Mansards, 2017. |
Publications, Books |
Baltic Studies, Latvian, Folklore and Mythology, History, Literature, Music, Poetry and Poetics |
Connors, Colin Gioia, trans. 2015. The eSaga of Hrafnkell Freysgoði: A New Translation of “Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða." Apple Inc.: iTunes Store. IBA file. |
Publications, Translations |
Icelandic, Old Norse, Digital Humanities, Folklore and Mythology, Literature, Medieval, Translation and Interpretation |
'Mythological and Heroic Motifs in Manx Stone Sculpture', in Viking Myths and Rituals on the Isle of Man, eds. Leszek Gardeła and Carolyne Larrington (Rzeszow: Mitel, 2014), 22–29 |
Publications, Articles |
Anthropology, Archaeology, Folklore and Mythology, Medieval, Old Norse |
Guntis Šmidchens. "Remembering the Baltic Singing Revolution on the National Mall, 1998." Washington DC: Smithsonian Folklife Festival: 2013. |
Publications, Essays |
Baltic Studies, Culture, Folklore and Mythology, History, Music |
Guntis Šmidchens, "Herder and Lithuanian Folksongs," Lituanus 56,1 (2010): |
Publications, Essays |
Lithuanian, 18th Century, Folklore and Mythology, Poetry and Poetics, Romanticism |
Guntis Šmidchens. "Notes on the Latvian National Epic Hero, Lacplesis." Journal of Folklore Research 43.3 (2006): 271-280. |
Publications, Essays |
Baltic Studies, Latvian, Folklore and Mythology |