
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Connors, Colin Gioia. 2022. "Translating Context with Digital Media in Medieval Icelandic Literature: Hrafnkels saga and The eSaga Project." In Culture Work: Folklore and the Humanities for a 21st Century Public, ed. Tim Frandy & Marcus Cederström, pp.302-11. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Publications, Essays
‘The Language of Birds in Old Norse Tradition’, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 120.2 (April, 2021), 209–38 Publications, Articles
Guntis Šmidchens, Dziesmu vara: Nevardarbīga nacionālā kultūra Baltijas dziesmotajā revolūcijā. Latvian Translation of Power of Song, 2014. Riga, Latvia: Apgāds Mansards, 2017. Publications, Books
Connors, Colin Gioia, trans. 2015. The eSaga of Hrafnkell Freysgoði: A New Translation of “Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða." Apple Inc.: iTunes Store. IBA file. Publications, Translations
'Mythological and Heroic Motifs in Manx Stone Sculpture', in Viking Myths and Rituals on the Isle of Man, eds. Leszek Gardeła and Carolyne Larrington (Rzeszow: Mitel, 2014), 22–29 Publications, Articles
Guntis Šmidchens. "Remembering the Baltic Singing Revolution on the National Mall, 1998." Washington DC: Smithsonian Folklife Festival: 2013. Publications, Essays
Guntis Šmidchens, "Herder and Lithuanian Folksongs," Lituanus 56,1 (2010): Publications, Essays
Guntis Šmidchens. "Notes on the Latvian National Epic Hero, Lacplesis." Journal of Folklore Research 43.3 (2006): 271-280. Publications, Essays