
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Katherine Jane Hanson, Nancy Sipe, and Barbara Wilson, trans. Cecilie Høigard and Liv Finstad's Backstreets: Prostitution, Money and Love. Penn State Press: 1992. Publications, Translations
Katherine Jane Hanson, Judith Messick, trans. Amalie Skram's Under Observation. Seattle: Seal Press, 1992. Publications, Translations
Asunmaa, Elg, Kiri, Kytö, Mattila, Pylvänäinen. Guidelines for Development of Curricula for Adult Immigrant Learners. The National Board of Vocational Education, Finland: 1991. Publications, Essays
Aija Elg, trans. Koskinen, Lacruz, Martinez, Monforte & Montesinos.  The Great Paella Cookbook for Online Learning. Helsinki University of Technology and Universidad Politecnica de Valencia: 1991. Publications, Translations
Katherine Jane Hanson, Judith Messick, trans. Amalie Skram's Constance Ring. Seattle: Seal Press, 1988. Publications, Translations
Katherine Jane Hanson, ed. and trans. An Everyday Story: Norwegian Women's Fiction. Seattle: Seal Press, 1984. Revised and expanded, 1995. Publications, Books, Translations
Terje I. Leiren. "Sigurd Ibsen and the Origins of National Monarchy in Norway." Scandinavian Studies (1979): 392-412. Publications, Essays
Terje I. Leiren. "Norwegian Independence and British Opinion: January to August, 1814." Scandinavian Studies (1975): 364-382. Publications, Essays
Gunn, Olivia Noble. “Knausgård’s Scandalous ‘Labia’: Shame, Re-Enchantment, and the Pursuit of a More Imaginative Sex Education.” Scandinavian Studies, vol. 96, no. 3, 2024, pp. 92–116. Publications, Articles Publications Publications
“This is not your home”—War Memory, Compassion and the Finnish Child in Klaus Härö’s Mother of Mine” in Nordic War Stories: World War II as Fiction, Film and History, ed. Marianne Stecher.  Publications
"Rörelse, språk och nation hos Edith Södergran och Henry Parland." Publications, Essays
Andrew K. Nestingen. Violence and Crime Fiction. In progress. Publications, Books
Ia Dübois. Article on Katarina Frostenson (to be titled). Female Voices of the North. Ed. by Inger Olsen and Sven H. Rossel. Vienna: Editon Praesens. In progress. Publications, Essays
Ia Dübois. Book on Sexuality in Scandinavia. In progress. Publications, Books